Wednesday, June 08, 2005

how to kick a bad habit

This is an excerpt from a book i m reading : "The Naked Leader" by David Taylor.

" If u want to give up a bad habit ,but u do not,it is usually because that habit gives u some pleasure.Identify what that pleasure is - be honest with urself,then ask urself how u could achieve this same pleasure doing something different.If so, u will b on the way,because u will not b 'giving up' the pleasure,u will b replacing it.If smoking gives u the pleasure of relaxing,and u find that meditation also gives u the same pleasure - meditate.(You can meditate in more places than u are allowed to smoke!)"


Prakash said...

First time in ur blog....
its a very good point and thought i migth give it a go on my bad habits.
wat sort of book is naked leader
good, bad, worse....
by the way i like the love's pain well

codeextracts said...

Nice post.

Looks like I need to read that book though the habit mentioned in this exceprt isn't what I'm addicted to, but proabably it has my other bad habits discussed in it.

Keep blogging :)

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