One day I happened to overhear a conversation when I was returning from office in my office bus.Two persons sitting behind my seat were talking abut how to clear CAT and its various aspects and statistics.One of them said that he had tried to clear CAT but failed.He was talking very negatively about it and he gave the other person a very pessimistic view of the whole thing about clearing CAT.He made it seem like a very difficult examination which involves a lot of luck factor.He didnt say anything about the hardwrk involved or any strategies for the examination.
This reminded me of something i had read a few years ago -- "Take advice about how to succeed in a domain only from successful people in that domain." It is actually true.When u talk to people who have failed,u can learn about what not to do.Generally when u ask them about how to succeed in something,they will give u a negative and demoralised view which can alter ur perspective and make urself negative about the whole thing too.
way to go giri! as always showering us with pearls of wisdom
People try to learn from a beggar how to make money ??
Truly said.
As its said, you get the best knowledge from only the best books!
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
All I think is.. take advices, but follow your heart.. its then your future will be in the safest of hands, your own! :)
Nice post Neha!
well said,...and point noted my lord, i know you hving a great time at FSS, i'll also b ditching my company and come and share the space with you guys soon ;)
adios o:)
I dont agree with u. I think different ppl have different abilities and if somebody has cracked sm particular exam then it doesnot necessarily mean that they hav slogged for it as much as smbody else is needed to. U can ask the person who has really slogged for the exam and still couldn't get thru wat was that he couldn't put in to succeed and it would give u a fair idea of what is needed. The person who succeeded might not knw the importance of that tip which he might have taken for granted though that particular tip proved fatal for the person who failed.
As u suggest ppl shld never go to career counsellors if they dont wanna become career councellors.
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